Attention To Detail Is Needed For The Results

You are out racing, feeling good, but you just can’t stay in the lead group. What to do? Well, we have all been there, and I will give one tip that I know the boats winning make a big part of their racing.
To start with, take notes after every time you go sailing. Write down what worked well, and what did not, what needs fixing or replacing. Be honest with yourself, no sugar coating. Go through the steps why you were having problems. And this is not only boat speed. It can be boat handling, weather, crew personalities/skills, tactics, dealing with frustration, the list goes on. Again, we have all been there, and it can be frustrating and you think it is time to make big changes. But it could also just be a simple fix.

A couple of years ago I was racing an offshore series where I was new to the boat. Then we did a long offshore race. Being the new guy on the boat I had a very different vision and understanding then the crew that had been racing together for years. This does not mean I was the only one who noticed the issues. But how do you fix them when you are a temp crew?
In my opinion it should have started nine month prior to fix the issues, but I only had a few days to give my new guy input. I was not going to be a regular crew member, so I made simple small comments to try and help. Anything else was out of line in my opinion, and would increase the looks I was already getting. One more reason this should have started nine months prior.

This is a common problem in crewed racing. I also see it less in shorthanded. The team trains and they race locally, but are not working on their team and boats weak areas honestly. Sure they might work on basic boat handling, have a wet sanding party, or buy a few sails. But are they the right sails, and is the boat handling second nature at night in breeze? Is the boat ready for everything when offshore racing. This involves every detail needs to be gone over and be ready, hence the nine months.
I show this example not to pick on that team of all good sailors, but to bring to your attention that most of the hard work needs to be done prior to leaving the dock. This is where a lot of teams need to be open and seek outside help. Fresh eyes with the knowledge who can help with a full team/boat survey, finding the issues that might come up sailing, that could be resolved before the boat leaves the dock.

These are just some of the basic ways a team can use a consultant. Then the coaching on the water will be so much more efficient. Yes, the coach can be someone who helps you before that stage, to make the boat and team ready. But they need to have both skills.
The best sailors leave the dock ready to win, with ALL the details taken care of before racing, that is why they win so often.
Be safe, have fun, and sail fast. If you would like to discuss more, contact me on my site. www.paulcroninstudios.com
See you soon, Paul