Documentary, Rachel Carson Reserve

fs7 shooting timelapse sunset
Shooting timelapse of the sunset

Week after Thanksgiving I filmed the first part of a short documentary that has been in the works for over a year.   Working with the Boat US Foundation, NOAA, Rachel Carson Reserve, Atlantic Coast Marine Group, Inc./TowBoatU.S. and the Town of Beaufort, NC. This project was funded by a grant to clean up the Rachel Carson Reserve and the waters around Beaufort, NC. It was three days of filming, and I needed to bring a wide range of gear for studios setup, drone, POV’s, A and B-cams, along with all support gear.

paul filming paula_
Interview setup with Paula on camera, and Alanna doing the interview.

First morning filming was inside the NOAA building, for interviews. Starting with the Rett Newton, Mayor of Beaufort, and Ph.D Student at Duke University Marine Lab. The list of the eight interviews was impressive, and the knowledge and passion for this project was evident in every interview. Makes me smile knowing there are so many talented people, involved in helping our coastal environments.

paul filming wild horses
Filming horses on the Reserve

The last interview of the day was two grade school students, who impressed me with their on camera presence, their knowledge of the marine environment, along with what is happening to our oceans. They both taught me something about our oceans. Day one was busy and fun.

paul ready to fly
Ready to fly outside the Reserve

Day two started off with a cold front ready to pass through midday. We spent the day with Paula Gillikin, Central Site Manager, North Carolina Coastal Reserve. Paula was our guide and teacher for the next two days, and also organized the grant and project. Paula has a wealth of knowledge, is a hard worker, and passionate about her job. We were lucky Paula had the time to guide us through the three days of filming.

paul z90 shooting
Shooting fast moving clips with great Sony Z90.

In the morning we rafted to Atlantic Coast Marine Group/TowBoatU.S. team who were stripping parts off a sunken sailboat in the harbor. The boat had to be stripped before it could be excavated out of the silt, which is up to the sheer. A diver was using a sawzall to cut off parts and bring to the surface.

paul and paula
Paul grabbing clips of Rachel Carson Reserve with Paula driving.

Rest of the day was filming debris on the beaches and sand bars of Rachel Carson Reserve, and harbor. This included a sailboat, loads of single use plastic, construction materials from the hurricane, and opportunity to show the beauty of the Rachel Carson Reserve. We were lucky to spot the wild horse that live on the 1200-acre Reserve, and film them with a great backlit just before sunset. Then I was off to shoot time-lapse sunset and evening colors.

Third day I was out an hour before sunrise in 24 degrees with 25-30 kts of NW wind. Ah, it felt like home in RI. With the dry air and Main Street lined up with sunrise, I grabbed a few nice town shots.

paul filming cement boats 2
Filming Ferrocement boats with FS7 MK2 and Fujinon MK 18-55

Then we were off to film boats that were being stripped at the Atlantic Coast Marine Group, Inc./TowBoatU.S. Some of the boats were for disposal, and two ferrocement boats were going to become reefs for fish habitat.

shrimp boat rescue-
Atlantic Coast Marine Group, Inc/TowBoatUS at work

Then off to film a Shrimp boat that had been blow over by Hurricane Florence. Atlantic Coast Marine Group, Inc./TowBoatU.S., had the job in hand and we were very impressed how well they handle everything they touch. This area was hard hit, and the long-term damage was an eye opener. It takes a tough breed to live in middle and upper East coast towns. Beaufort is so low geographically and it is evident how much global warming is affecting our shorelines, not to mention the world’s environment. We ended the third day filming a beach cleanup on the NOAA grounds in Beaufort. Ending with a few b-roll shots of Beaufort.

paul filming beach cleanup
Filming two of the beach cleanup crew.

Thank you to Stacey Nedrow-Wigmore Hoofs & Woofs Photography for the shots of me filming.

sunset from room
Sunset from my room the last night.

Have Fun Every Day, and see you soon.


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