Episode 38, Season Two
Welcome back to In and Out of the Boat Shop. Yes, it has been a few weeks since the last show,. I have been on the road for work five times in the last six weeks, it is all good. So a busy start to the new year.
So between a few clients edits, I was able to film the narrative in the shop for this episode and finish the edit. Thank you for your patients. This show is a request from a few of the shows followers. When I receive that type of input, I am happy to oblige.
So sit back and enjoy some great footage, as I go over how last seasons upgrades, and changes worked and did not work. Link to Episode 38
Launching date is three months away and I have an ambitious winter work/show schedule, so stay tuned.
Paul Cronin Studios is in the process of searching for sponsors for the show. If you are interested or know of a company that would be interested please let me know.
Have Fun and hopefully all of you are enjoying some fun time on the water.
Cheers, Paul