Episode 59, Design & Build Storm Jib/Staysail Tack Fitting

Summer memories, Isle of Shoals Sunset

Happy New Year to all. At full speed in the shop doing another major refit. Lots of exciting jobs on the way, and many running at the same time. Before we know it Spring launching will on the schedule.

It has been a few boats since I had the options of going from the #4 jib to unfurling a storm jib inside of the headstay. It is a great comfort, and very efficient. Besides the sail can be used as a staysail with the Code 0, A-Sails, and jib top as a bonus.

Hope you enjoy Episode 59, (see below) hard to believe this is the fifth season for my growing show. Always looking for quality sponsors, and advertisers, if interested hit my contact sheet and lets see how we can help each other grow.

See you soon, Paul

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