Great Wickford Art Festival
Thank you to all the great people who visited my booth this past weekend. It was fun to meet all of you, and have so many wonderful conversations. To the people who purchased my work, you keep me going with all of your kind comments, and the fact that my work brings you joy. To my repeat customers, you inspire me with your in-depth understanding of how and why I love photography.
To the may buyers who have hung my work in your homes, offices, or outhouses, it would be great to see pictures of those photographs in your special locations. No name or locations is not needed, just sharing what you love about the photographs you spent your hard-earned money on.
This year I had a few people ask if they could commission me for a specific photographs or go with them on their boat. I would be honored to set up a shoot where we get the image you have in your mind so you can treasure it for ever. Just go to my contact page and we can make it work well for both of us.
And if any image struck you at the show that you would like bigger or smaller that is easy to do, please let me know. Or if there is something you did not see that I might have in my massive hard drives, let me know and I will search. Or we can make that happen if I do not have the shot already.
To the Wickford Art Festival staff and volunteers, and my fellow artist thank you all, it is a special event and we had perfect weather. See you next year.
Now let get out and enjoy Summer in Rhode Island, Time to Go Sailing