Kincora Winter Progress

Hard to believe it is late Feb.  Were did the winter go?  Oh yea, below in Kincora.

Replaced the last wet plywood bulkhead all the way aft with core cell and biaxial glass bagged with epoxy.  We did this in two section keeping the CL portion of the bulkhead in place while both sides where replaced.  The bulkhead is only 34” from the transom but better to support the cockpit and deck and not have any movement.  Stay tuned for more from the aft cabin area in next week’s blog.

Now the small jobs are starting to pop up and get picked off one by one.

Lots of progress
Lots of progress
Removing aft bulkhead
Removing aft bulkhead
Jim tabbing aft bulkhead
Jim tabbing aft bulkhead
Lightning fast Jim at work
Lightning fast Jim at work
Port aft bulkhead installed
Port aft bulkhead installed

Enough of that go Get’er Done!

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