Let the painting begin

Yeeha the painting below has begun.

Aft lockers are painted, and inside the water ballast tanks.  Now there was a fun job climbing inside the ballast tanks prepping and painting.  The forward section can only be accessed through a 4” port but viewed from further aft.  So for painting I poured in the gel coat then reached in with 4 ½” brush and kept picking up more gel at the bottom and moved it around till everything felt smooth.  Went back and viewed the progress and looked for holidays and back at it.  With four tries each side the tanks are now sealed.

Fwd cabin was a lot easier and is ready for non-skid.  Aft Cabin was a bit more of a challenge and Jim did the tough prep job.  As you can see both fwd cabin and aft cabin have the non-skid area left alone for now.  Main cabin overhead was easy prep and smooth finish.

Next post will show a white interior and Kiwi Grip nonskid sole throughout.

Yeeeha white in the tanks
Yeeeha white in the tanks
New water ballast vent ready for hose.
New water ballast vent ready for hose.
Aft cabin painted
Aft cabin painted
Aft cabin with new ballast tank inspection hole
Aft cabin with new ballast tank inspection hole
Fwd cabin looking forward
Fwd cabin looking forward
Fwd cabin looking aft
Fwd cabin looking aft
Main cabin overhead painted
Main cabin overhead painted

Enough of that go Get’er Done!

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