Fun How To Videos

Wow, we have had some bitter cold conditions in Rhode Island. Today we actually have clear and temps 50 deg F, very nice feels like spring, but New Englanders do not get fooled that easily.

I have just added some fun and informative How To videos I shot last year for one of my clients. We have put the band back together with my long time on camera buddy Lenny Rudow back in the team. We have a blast shooting together and have over 500 video productions as a team. Our friend and producer who we hope to work with again soon, John Burnham had a fun comment after I came back from a three week EU tour filming with Lenny. “You guys are finishing each others sentences like a married couple.” Funny, but true, so hopefully that comes through as I film and edit our productions.
Another person who I just started filming in 2017 and I call him a diamond in the rough is Charles Fort, one of the editors at BoatUS Magazine. Charles is a natural on camera, which believe me not many are. We have fun while filming and his work shines. Exciting as I will have both Lenny and Charles on camera together in two weeks.
So check out the newly posted videos and as always if you have any question drop me a line.
You can go to the Collection on my Vimeo Channel for HOW TO VIDEOS. The first five videos I posted are the new ones with Lenny and Charles.
Have Fun Every Day!