New Website Landing Page

Code 0 Reaching
Fun shot of us Code 0 Reaching down Buzzards Bay late September. Drone is a great tool.

Welcome to Boat Show season.  I will be at the Annapolis Sailboat show 4-5 October meeting clients, talking with new ones, and of course checking out all the cool new boats and gear.  If you see me say hi and lets chat shorthanded sailing.

I changed the landing page on my site.  The home page will now have a Vimeo link from my show and corporate clients.  So go to the site and see what is hot this week, just a click away.  Let me know what you think?

NOTE: I do not like auto play videos on sites and have disabled it with my Vimeo account.  But you must also disable it with your browser.  New Chrome 69 has it disabled automatically.  Firefox you have to Google it for instructions, it is easy.   Safari has it disabled.

Kincora is coming out next week, and there is a ton of video to put into shows.  A great summer of racing/trekking/cruising.  And a winter of jobs to keep refining her for next season.

Still makes me smile when I think of Kim and Carol winning the Snipe Women’s Worlds.

Have fun and see you soon.


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