Pacific Cup Finish

Rainbow headed to the dock

Our final night at sea was a nice reach to the finish.  Lights of the island were in sight for hours, and the crew could not sleep since were all excited to cross the finish line.  Marines flying over head, land growing and sun minutes from rising we crossed the finish line 4:56:26 local time.

Jim driving into the last night at sea

Kite down quick since there is a coral reef 1/3 of a mile after the finish.  Now comes the amazing hospitality of the island.  Our escort boat was waiting for our finish with flashing white lights to guide us through the reef.  With our deep draft we had to go around the big reef past Chinaman Hat, which is a cool island along with some amazing scenes with a beautiful sunrise.

Sunrise at the finish

As we did our 90 min motor sail through the reef we all were deep in thought and soaking in what we just experienced as a team after sailing about 2300 miles.  Then we went head to wind and dropped the main.  Along side comes Kevin our escort and wonderful host for dinner that evening and asked if we would like a cold beer.  Are you kidding?  Over comes 8 cold beers and smiles everywhere.  As we head toward the club a rainbow forms behind us and we are in a golden moment.  We back into our slip, inspector on board we pass, then cheers from a crowd of people on the dock there to greet us just after sunrise on a Saturday morning.  They hand us fresh cut pineapple, how appropriate with our fast Pineapple sails from Kame.  Then great maitai drinks while pictures are taken.  A moment I will never forget.

Paul as always with a brick on the gas pedal

Pack our sea bags and head off to fantastic housing over looking the club and bay.  Showers and sit on the porch while Kame and Brent made a tasty breakfast.  Race is over and we start the clean up process and of course a few parties.

Smiles at the dock

Last night we had a crew party at Kame’s aunt Pili and her husband John house.  Pili a life long islander, showed us the true Aloha spirit.  Thank you Pili and John it was wonderful.  Speeches, drinks and a fun detox time as a team.

Kame and the Aloha spirit

Pacific Cup is a fantastic event and one I hope to do it again.  Many thanks are needed to my teammates for taking me in, Liz Baylis for giving me the chance to achieve a dream.  Thank you Liz.

And to my wife Carol for always sticking by me in whatever crazy adventure I go after.


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