Paul Cronin Studio Updates for 2022

I hope everyone had a great holiday season?  I am always excited with the calendar changing over to the New Year.  For me it sparks ideas, and gives me some time in January to implement them.

Let me first catch up for the silence I have had on the site, it was a busy year.

Sunrise as we just start entering the Trades.

Racing the TransPac 2021 was a great experience with a team I had only sailed the California Offshore week with prior.  Since a kid the Santa Cruz 50 has been my dreamboat to race to Hawaii.  And this one has a Tuttle rudder, nice transom extension, and a team who knows offshore sailing.  Thank you to my good buddy Liz Baylis for bringing me on the boat, and surprising me with a watch leader role.  Also to the owners, and rest of team for putting up with this East Coast guy, trying to mesh with California sailors.

Just finishing a sunset foil session

As you know I love windsurfing, and foil windsurfing (Windfoiling), but here is a shocker, in October I sold all my boards and rigs, WHAT?  Yup, really this is the first time in decades I have not owned windsurfing gear. But, I used the funds to buy Wing Foiling gear.  Wow, it so much fun learning a new aspect of sailing, best of all, Carol and I are doing it together.  We both purchased Armstrong boards and foils which is amazing gear, and Ozone Wasp 2 wing quiver. And it all fits in my Honda Odyssey.  There will be a lot more to come from this subject.

Good by to my French Girl Friend

I am sure by now you know I sold Kincora.  As I write this 8 Jan she was moved to the boat yard to go on a truck for Vancouver, BC.  New owner is excited, and should be she is an excellent boat.  It was time for me to move on.  I will keep shorthanded racing, but not on my own boats, it is no fun chasing that money train.  And I have a lot of other on the water passions to pursue.

Shooting Surfing in Santa Cruz, CA

It has been too long since I really, and I mean really dove into my photography.  I did the Wickford Art Festival this past summer for the third time, and look forward to it again this year, adding other festival’s this year. Finally after a few years of not having an online store I am building one right now.  As a matter of fact this post is a break from building the store. 

Shooting Elephant Seals

My approach is to make it a boutique photography business.  I want to work with each of my customers, and make sure they choose the print, and type of material that they will treasure.  I have been doing this locally for years, and it is very gratifying to have happy customers who send me pictures of framed prints, this just make me smile.

First Wickford Art Festival in 2018

The store will be easy to choose the print you want with canvas or acrylic options.  Then the order will come to me, not a big print house where you are just another invoice.  I will look it over, and if I see something is not right I will contact you.  And as always if you have questions just let me know.  It has taken me a long time to find the printer I am happy with who also frames, and ships.  I have printed samples in all the formats to check the results, with and without frames. I will post pictures of the samples on the store to help you decide.

Happy Coaching customers winning Pan Am Trials in Snipe

Very happy to say the coaching/consulting part of my business grew in 2021.  I have a wide range of clients, and it is fun to help them navigate through their options, be it consulting or coaching. This for me is very rewarding to see them managing a regatta better, going faster, or on the other end of the phone, zoom, or in person having fun as they refine their boat, making sailing easier, and more fun to race or cruise. 

Filming Beaufort NC Harbor Cleanup Documentary

Video has come back with documentary shoots/directing/editing this year.  Along with other projects lined up, and my show will go on.  The episodes will vary a bit more but still In and OUT of the Boat Shop lives on.

In 2022 be kind, thoughtful, happy, and live the best life you can live.  Oh and never forget, Have Fun Every Day.  See you soon, Paul

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