Making a Fast Race Boat Bottom

This week is all about getting a race finish bottom on your sailboat.

Step One stripping or get media blasted

Do we all need fair, smooth, fast bottoms on our race boats? Of course we do, but this can be very expensive and for good reason. There is a a lot of labor involved. With all the boat work I have done over 40 plus years this is the nastiest job going. I said this would be my last bottom job, for the third time. Well I have done another since and will be doing Pierre’s next spring but Pierre is being soda blasted first.

So if you want to save a lot of money and are fit enough to do the weeks of sanding involved go for it. Remember to use all safety gear, in a very well ventilated area. And have great attention to detail. Do all the sanding grits needed and push hard to get the results that will make you smile, and of course go fast. Or if you can afford it have a qualified yard do the work. But make sure they have a great reputation and check out their prior jobs.

This is a three video series, enjoy, see you soon Paul

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