PMW-350 shooting skiing from the Helicopter

The Sony XDCAM PMW-350 is worked OK it had latitude problems on this shoot.  So after this shoot I realized I needed to move up to the Sony F800.  I was surprised how long the learning curve on the 350 from the EX1 has been which has mostly been scene files.  Last week my Fujinon ZA 17X7.6B lens arrived which is excellent.   I purchased the focus control which now gives me Focus, zoom, and VTR at my finger tips.  I will post  a full review on the lens options I tried and why I decided on the ZA 17x.  But to keep you interested till then here are two stills I pulled from my GoPro POV that was suction cupped to the upper windshield of the R44 during last Fridays shoot over ski areas in Maine.  The GoPro was shaking like crazy so the grabs are not that sharp but they give you a feel for the day.

Maine Ski area shoot
Maine Ski area shoot

This was a very challenging day to shoot.  Winds were 20-30kts with bigger puffs and huge down/up drafts.  We were being bounced all over the place.  But we had a deadline for the production house and this was the day.  My pilot Jeff Codman is excellent and proved his skill level on the flight at the same time helping the producer and myself complete the shot list.

Maine Ski area shoot 2
Maine Ski area shoot 2
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