Summer Time 2022

Osprey giving me the eye in Edgartown

With the crazy/scary world we live in it is important to get out and have some fun. I prefer to shut off the phone and get out on the water.  Time enjoy your summer and have some fun with family and friends.

There has been a lot going on in West Ferry.  All the boats are in the water with a new one on the old Kincora mooring.  Yes, hold your breath, a 1982 Nauset 27 Down East lobster/tuna/bass boat.  No we don’t fish.  But we do SUP and Wingfoil, and this is a perfect platform for going to new hard to reach out of the way locations to anchor and have some fun.  Also perfect for visiting family on the Cape Cod, since the driving is crazy in the summer. It is 42 miles by water and 90 miles driving.  The Nauset has a new motor and is very fuel efficient at 11-12 kts.  So it takes us 3-1/2 hours to do a trip, that sailing took us 6-1/2 to 9 hrs depending on conditions.  We have about 300 miles on him (Pierre) already and we are enjoying the very different experience.

Pierre Launching
Pierre Running home from Cape Cod early in the morning, May 2022
Hadley’s Harbor 12 June on Katrina
Hadley’s Visitor

Will we stop sailing/cruising, no-way.  As a matter of fact we went cruising on a family Morgan 38 last week, and will again later in the summer.  I passed on a couple of offers to race offshore this summer, preferring to get better at wing foiling, and have a summer of fun with Carol.

Sunset Edgartown 14 June on Katrina
Sailing out of Edgartown 15 June just after sunrise

With Wingfoiling, Matsya sails, Pierre, Katrina, and sunrise SUP, we are enjoying our time on the water more then ever. Carol is racing the Snipe with Kim, where they are always going fast.  To see more about Where Books Meet Boats go to Carol’s great site.  And read post from a really great writer.

Matsya the old Lady looking great on launch day, May

Coming up in three weeks is the Wickford Art Festival where I will have a booth.  There will be a lot of new prints. I am keeping them smaller so it is more affordable.  Still happy to print large ones up to 60+” if that is what you would like.  So if you are in the area July 9-10 stop by and say hi.  Here is the link to the Festival, one of the biggest in New England and very well run.

First time foiling with 360 camera, Pierre in background

Foiling is going great with a bunch of clips on file (and learning the 360 camera) for me to do a In and Out of the Boat Shop shows.   Also there will be a show on Pierre since he was poorly maintained by the last owner and crying for some major upgrades just so we could use him.  There is a bit of a story there, so it will be an interesting show. 

All time record breaking Newport Bermuda Race crew on Argo just prior to the start.

Hope you are cheering for the Newport-Bermuda fleet, which are in the final miles.  We have a lot of friends in the race and it has been a rough one.  So cheer them on and send a nice email to your friends in the race. Above and below are shots of the record breaking Argo Mod 70 just before the start of their recording breaking race.

The perfectly tuned and top of the tier team on Argo ready to break the record at the start of the Newport Bermuda Race 2022

Summer is here so get out on the water, have some fun, learn something new, smile, laugh, and be kind.

Looking for a photographer, video productions, consultant on your boat project, fill out my contact sheet and lets discuss your project.

See you Soon, Paul

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