WhiteCap Video & Kincora Update

Happy New Year

Kincora's First Day
Kincora's First Day

WhiteCap Video had a great 2011 filming, directing, and editing 50 productions.  And 2012 is staring off in high gear as well with a lot of repeat customers. I guess in all of my free time (HA!) I need to update my demo reel, which is out of date.

Kincora, my short handed sailing Quest 30 sailboat, is going through a major refit to be ready for the coming racing season, and a summer of trekking around Southern New England with family and friends.

Heading Home
Heading Home
Winter Home
Winter Home

Kincora was hauled at New England Boat Works, Portsmouth RI late October, then put on her trailer for the short (200 meter) drive to Waterline Industries. She is inside and having major work performed by yours truly, with help on weekends from my team mate Jim Anderson.  Waterline Industries will put their magical touch on her bottom.  Thank you to Waterline’s staff and the owner Randy Borges, a multiple World Champion sailor and master boat builder, for making this a fun positive experience.  I highly recommend this shop for any and all repairs,

No More Sail Drive
No More Sail Drive
YeeHa Yanmar GONE
YeeHa Yanmar GONE

Being a Naval Architect and boat builder for over 35 years I am keeping detailed records of everything.  After the 2013 Bermuda 1-2, I will be launching the documentary of the whole experience with Kincora so stay tuned.

Completed so far (which puts us about 35% of the way there for the May launch) is the following:

1.             Replaced all the bulkheads, which were wet plywood. Added new structure to fix major build problems.

2.             Stripped the deck of all hardware and began prep for new nonskid.

2.             Removed all wiring and plumbing from the boat.

3.             Removed the Yanmar 1GM10 w/ saildrive and all associated gear.  (Will be replaced by 6HP outboard.)

4.             Patched the saildrive hole.

5.             Removed the engine mount.

6.             Removed/replaced the forward bulkhead/anchor locker/crash bulkhead.

7.             Removed/replaced the main ring frame and cockpit support.

8.             Added a sit down Nav station and Olson 30 style seats on both sides.

9.             Removed the silly quarter berth that forced you to sleep athwartships.  This will be replaced with two proper quarter berths.

11.            Built battery platform where Yanmar was installed.

12.            Built proper companionway ladder.

Clearing out the previous owners crap.
Clearing out the previous owners crap.
Ripping out FWD bulkhead and anchor locker
Ripping out FWD bulkhead and anchor locker
Plywood not sealed
Plywood not sealed
Prep and ready for new bulkhead and anchor locker done properly
Prep and ready for new bulkhead and anchor locker done properly

Fortunately Kincora is the only ProSet Epoxy built Quest; all the others are Vinylester resin.  Kincora’s hull is dry with very low moisture content so I felt she was worth saving and making competitive again.  I consider this to be Rodger Martin’s best design.  Thank You Rodger!

Deck stripped
Deck stripped
Patching holes
Patching holes

With qualifying for the 2013 Bermuda 1-2 coming up in July it was time to get her ready for her shorthanded season.  They just don’t sail the same fully crewed and with 1100 lbs of water ballast why have a crew!

Time to get back to my Sunday editing and get ready for another 85 hr workweek. “Get’er Done!”


“Have Fun Every Day!”

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