Episode 62, Wing Foiling the Next Step

This has been a fun video to shoot and edit. It is the first time I have used a 360 camera (GoPro Max). There are a few extra steps, and software needed to finally edit in Premier Pro CC. But getting the same onboard perspective is not possible with non 360 POV’s. The quality is not up to what I shoot with my other gear, but the point of view helps make the story.

I would like to thank all the other wing foil sailors who we have met, shared great information, and smiles. The sport is so open with the other sailors, it is refreshing compared to the past racing I have experienced.
Thank you; Carol*, Dan, Todd, Casey, Jessy, Chris, Ken, and others who I do not know their names. Keep wing foiling!
Don’t forget to sign up for my new letters to receive all the post and videos.
Hope you enjoy the show, see you soon. Paul