How To Have Fun Every Day

Rainbow in Maine, Aug 2023

Have Fun Every Day, one of my mom’s great lessons. 

So how do you Have Fun Every Day? I am asked that at times by friends.  And one friend Todd Hedin said, “Paul you should write about your outlook on having fun every day!”  Todd is so perceptive and always paying attention. Thanks Todd for inspiring me to share how I have fun every day.

Start the day knowing you have another special day to live and share with the people, and anyone you can make smile.  Say hi to strangers and you will be surprised how most respond in a positive way, no matter who they are.

Boards on low tide bar in Maine.

Be Kind & Respectful (not enough of this), there is so much anger/I know better in the world. So the best way to handle that is walk away or look them in the eye, if it feels right and say, “Hi, beautiful day isn’t it”.  Be positive when all around might not be, spread the smile. 

See if you can make work and play the same thing.  Everyone has talent so use that talent along with your passion to make a living.  It is not about how much you make, it is about how to live a great life.

Summer full moon, Edgartown

Find a physical activity that you are interested in, passionate about, or have always wanted to learn.  Dive right in and make it part of your life.  Now is always the best time to start.

Doing something physical daily is great way to stay happy, healthy, and share with others.  For us this is planned time every day, or twice a day, hell three times a day or more. 

With physical activities enjoy the falls, bumps and bruises along the way.  They are all part of the fun, and will build a stronger mind and body.

Bumps and bruises while learning are part of the fun.

Challenge yourself to do something that takes time to learn, I pay drums and have most of my life. I take lessons with an online group where you get pushed to learn and preform a new songs monthly.  It is great fun, works the mind, coordination, and best of all puts you inside the song.  Music really is the common thread.

Are all days fun, no, but you can still get a little joy when they are bad days. Don’t hold back any emotion, but also don’t let any one of them take over.  More wise words from my mom.

Sunrise arrival in Hawaii

What to do if something is not as fun anymore.  For me sailing is a major part of my life and always has been.  Last year I sold my last shorthanded boat because it was no longer fun.  Too expensive, rating rules are a mess, a lot of new people in shorthanded have that ego/know better attitude. So I moved on and this has been a very positive change. 

This change has tripled my sailing time at a small fraction of the cost.  Wing Foiling is amazing, brings you back to the raw love of going sailing, and being challenged. We also love our Matsya sailing, sailing/racing with clients/friends, family cruising, Hawaii races, SUP, bike riding at sunrise, rowing the Smed, home gym, and that is just scratching the surface.  

Once you make the physical activity and positive attitude part of your day you have started the right path to having fun every day. 

Keys Sunset March

The next steps are the core thought process that builds the mind/emotions to keep this attitude for life. Slow down, and enjoy the moments in life that actually matter.  Sunsets on the porch, where ever and whom ever you love hanging out with.  Long in depth conversations with your spouse/partner.  Reading a great book, the list goes on. Keep learning, never stop learning!

Negative thoughts are from past experiences, anxiety of the present, or fear of future.  Remember you are in control. 

Keys Sunset

If you are having a hard time with this, I always remember one simple thing.  The mind can only have one thought at a time.  If it is a negative thought treat it like a radio, change the channel and add a positive thought.  And if the negative thought comes back change channel again.  This is a life long practice, so keep it up and you will win.  

Have Fun Every Day!  Paul

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