Kincora Deck Painting Problems
Well, I have to eat my words from the last post. I thought one part Interlux Brightside would be fine for the smooth surface on the deck. It did not work for a few reasons.

Let me explain. I went back after the first coat of Brightside and the paint had a reaction with the gelcoat surface. There were small air bubbles everywhere. Gelcoat had been washed and wiped down prior and was sanded to 220 grit. But there were bubbles that popped up five min after the tip stroke. Until that five min it looked great.
So I called Interlux and I have to say they have been very responsive, not always the most accurate information but trying hard and responsive. So I sanded all the Brightside off and went back to gelcoat the day I thought I would put on the final coat. Moving forward.
Then with the recommendation of my local rep Heath, who has always called back and today even, came to the Spa to check out the problem. We agreed that Interprotect 2000E on the smooth area would be a great base. So I cleaned with YMA601V, which is Interlux, de-wax cleaner, and what a mess, but it did a great job prepping the surface. Then within the four hour window I put on the first Interprotect rolling with West System roller, waited four hours and then second coat. Good productive day with nice results.

Next waited 40 hrs for it to cure hard, which it did. Then sand to 220 grit and 20 hrs later ready for two part Interlux Perfection. Yes, I did say two-part was not needed but I was wrong, it is better paint that will last longer. So I stand corrected.

I changed colors and went with Platinum, which is a beautiful color and will be great with Kiwi Grip gray non-skid.

Next step for the first coat was proper cleaning, 20 min induction time, 65 degrees shop and dry, no air movement, and off I go to paint. It went on great and then I looked back five min later and little air bubbles where popping up. This is where the rep and I disagree. He says it is dust, it is not dust, there might be a little dust but 90% or more is gas off. After 40 years of doing this I know when it is dust and how dust appears this is gassing off from the paint or the Interprotect under the paint, you can see it happening. So I painted the whole smooth area since it was mixed. Nice shine but not acceptable.
On line research and this has happened to others, no surprise. It is out gas from the paint. So it was recommended on the Interlux forum to go 35 min instead of 20 min induction time. And clean with water then 2333N. Also toss the West System roller and Badger Hair brush and use foam, and warmer shop temp.

So the rep came by today and we agree on warmer temp. Get the deck to 70-73 degrees and keep it there. Change foam roller to hot dog white type sold at Home Depot which are smooth and will go on smoother and not agitate the paint. Use nice foam brushes. Clean with lint free cloth. Give 24 hrs between sanding and painting to let any outgas happen. These we agree on.

What I am going to add since I know it is outgas. I will also up induction time to 35 min. Then add 15 min induction time to 2333N when thinned out, if I need it. Wipe the deck with water prior to 2333N. Give the 2333N one hour to evaporate. And keep my tape on deck. He had a different idea on taping them me but that is another story.
Tomorrow I sand, and then Wed I paint. Last go at this and what I get here is what I will have for the season since time is running out. Work is loading up and launching in six weeks. Fingers crossed and positive attitude moving forward.