Smile Every Day

Yikes, March was my last blog post. Well back at it and I have started to do my yearly site upgrade this year. More on the exciting changes is coming post.

For today I would like to share how life takes you on unexpected amazing rides, and how the web can connect you to people whom you would have never otherwise meet.

Paul finishing another fun coaching session
Paul finishing another fun coaching session

Yesterday I broke one of my rules to only sell my gear in the US, and sold a Schoeps boom microphone I had advertised to Lee in NSW, Australia.

Lee sent me a PM (personal message) on the forum and asked if I would send the mic to Australia. I wrote back and said I was sorry but I only sell gear in the US due to problems in the past.   I have been selling gear on these forums for ten+ years. And with the changes in technology in that time I have sold a lot of gear.

So I forgot about it and a day later (remember they are 14 hrs. different) Lee wrote back. Well I have to tell you it was a well written, thoughtful and to the point email. He changed my mind, which is never easy to do. So I took the plunge, did the international shipping legwork and sent the numbers deducting the US shipping, which I always do free. And we had a deal. Then I received the payment quickly.

Shortly after I receive a very nice surprise, another well-written thoughtful, email giving an overview of his career and where he is now. This is not normal by any means. Most buyers whine and complain about the price and want something for nothing but not Lee he knew it was a fair deal and amazing piece of gear.  And he loves his work and his life which is another thing we share.  So I checked out his site, it was easy to tell Lee is talented and loves the water just like you know whom. Then I wrote back and gave Lee my quick overview and realized how special the whole experience was and had a smile on my face from someone I have never met. I do love the Australian people having sailed with a bunch of them.

Spidey Ladies having Fun
Spidey Ladies having Fun

One more reminder that there are fantastic people in the world and each and every day has a special moment to treasure.

Thanks Lee

Have Fun Every Day!

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