SeaKeeper Gyros

Back in April I did a really cool video shoot with John Burnham, and Lenny Rudow. We flew to Ft. Lauderdale then drove to Palm Beach and met up with the SeaKeeper sales and install teams.

Now if you do not know what SeaKeeper is, well neither did I until we met with the engineers at Palm Beach Boat Show in March. As for the videos we shot they are still not up on SeaKeeper site or I think they are waiting for Boat Show season.

Here is a quick overview of the SeaKeeper:

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Lenny and Grant Haugen, SeaKeeper sales during a take.

SeaKeeper installs big gyros on centerline in your powerboat to help dampen the roll. So for fisherman, this is a huge improvement while trolling or drifting. We shot on a Viking 62, Contender 35, and a Game Fisherman. I loved the look and ride of the Game Fisherman. All three boats showed huge improvement with SeaKeeper’s running. You will have to wait for the videos and reviews for the specific numbers. But I can tell you it is a game changer for the fishing boat owners.

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Here I am packing up no the cool Game Fisherman.
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Using my Sony POV with screen on my wrist.
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Paul in the bilge again filming.

Also we caught a Sailfish while testing the system trolling. Very cool experience for me since it was the first time fishing on a boat as big as the Viking 62. The factory competition team was running the boat so we were in great hands. Very fun process watching the baiting, outrigger setup, and what happens when there is a hit. And with SeaKeeper the platform was nice for filming through the whole process. And the East Coast of Florida in April, well it is pretty nice.

Hanging with Lenny on the Viking 62 between takes.

I have to say filming with John and Lenny is always a blast, we are a well-tuned team. Go to the SeaKeeper site and check at for the videos coming soon. Sorry I can’t post them on my site and give you the link yet, but I will once they are up.

Ah, July is great!

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