Waterline System Bottom Job

The only job I have not tackled with my teammate Jim Anderson is the bottom.  Why do the bottom when you are in one of the best bottom shops in the country.  So Waterline Systems took on the bottom.

Josh and Andy giving Kincora the magic touch.
Josh and Andy giving Kincora the magic touch.
Stripping is a messy job
Stripping is a messy job

First the bottom was stripped down to the outer skin since the original bond coat was peeling in a lot of spots.  This also allowed us to view the outer skin/core and do a full inspection.  Luckily my original survey was accurate and the laminate and core are in excellent condition.

Getting to the outer skin
Getting to the outer skin
Stripped and ready for Interprotect 2000
Stripped and ready for Interprotect 2000

Then 8 coats of Interprotect 2000 were applied.  This is an epoxy barrier coat, which is a fantastic product, and highly recommended for any boat that lives in the water be it foam or balsa core.  This was then faired.

Skin and Core in great shape
Skin and Core in great shape
Little epoxy fairing on top of Interprotect
Little epoxy fairing on top of Interprotect

Finally Baltaplate was sprayed and wet sanded/buffed to a shinny finish.  This bottom will last for years with only a buffing each spring.  It is very important to only use soft cloths while cleaning during the season.  If you use white 3M pads it will scratch the finish.

Love the shine
Love the shine
Ready for the water
Ready for the water

Nice Job Waterline Systems.

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