White completed and bottom job starting
With the smooth white on deck completed and the interior ready for systems it is time to start the bottom. Then we will do the Kiwi Grip non-skid, install some hardware and be out the door and install all the systems, yeeha.

For our bottom job, Waterline Systems, LLC has a bottom crew that works their butts off and produce some of the best race bottoms in the business.

At first I was thinking it would be a sand, spray, and wet sand to a glass finish. But once we inspected it closely we could see there were areas that had chipped and were flaking off. Last year I had a different shop sand and spray on Baltaplate and that paint was coming off. So underneath there is a problem that we had to solve. With a major rebuild this is no time to cut it short. Kincora will be doing a lot of miles and she will also be the star of her own movie so of course she has to have a Hollywood bottom.

After taking time with Randy the boss and getting Josh (bottom man extraordinaire) opinion I decided to have them strip off the bottom paint to find out what was there. Am I glad we checked! The boat was build with nothing between the outer skin and the bottom paint so no wonder it was chipping and flaking. Now they will put Interprotect 2000 on prior to Baltaplate. This way you do not have to worry and she will be right for the long haul.

Ok, Get-er Done!