• Training the Machine Part 2

    OK, for part 2 let’s dive into the fitness discussion.  Good time of year to refine your training for the upcoming season. I will repeat what I said in part 1 that we are all different, and have different physical needs to bring the machine to top performance.  But we all have the same end goal, to tune us so we have the opportunity to get into the flow state. But to get into the flow state does not just happen by chance, you have to train for it, just as you have to do with all the elements of…

  • Winter Boat Project Management

    We are near the end of haul out season in New England, so now is the perfect time to plan the winter projects. Upgrading your boat is a great way to increase your enjoyment, make your boat safer, faster, and more fun for the crew and family. If you need help planning, finding the right parts, doing the job properly, keeping the end result simple and efficient, or hiring a yard to do the work. I am here to help make the project go smoothly and on budget. Solving problems if it is poor performance, old electrical/electronics, engine that has…

  • Our new Addiction

    This has been one of the best summers I can remember. We have sailed more than we have in the past, and together. Wing Foiling is our new addiction. Very hard to explain to people who have not experienced flying on a board with a wing over your head. Well just like anything in life you have to experience it to know what it is really about. This is not an instant gratification sport like Archmedes sailing. It takes the dedication to put yourself out there crashing for weeks, and some for months before you get up and flying. And…

  • Summer Time 2022

    With the crazy/scary world we live in it is important to get out and have some fun. I prefer to shut off the phone and get out on the water.  Time enjoy your summer and have some fun with family and friends. There has been a lot going on in West Ferry.  All the boats are in the water with a new one on the old Kincora mooring.  Yes, hold your breath, a 1982 Nauset 27 Down East lobster/tuna/bass boat.  No we don’t fish.  But we do SUP and Wingfoil, and this is a perfect platform for going to new…

  • WhiteCap Video has a new web site on the way

        Why are we smiling?  Well first off we have a blast working together on the Video Boat Reivews.  Lenny is a great on screen talent to film and we do laugh a lot. The happy news is WhiteCap Video is now building a new web site with Aphotofolio.com.  I checked out all the options and felt Aphotofolio was the right fit for me.  Since I show both high end photos and videos on the site they felt like the perfect match. So stay tuned for a new look with lots of new photographs from recent jobs and a…

  • Beneteau Barracuda 9 Powerboat

    In August with on screen talent extraordinaire Lenny Rudow,  and producer Carol Cronin, we set off to review the Beneteau Barracuda 9 in Marion, MA. The Barracuda 9 is an exciting new boat from Beneteau Powerboats division and they came up with a beauty. The boat is loaded with features, runs fantastic with a new hull shape all for an amazing price. The video boat reviews are fast pace jobs. The amount of filming, narrative, and details we do in a day would drop most people to their knees, but we love the challenge. We have a great product that…

  • Living My Passions

    Make-work and play the same thing.  This has been a goal of mine since I started working as a kid.  And when you have your own company like I do, the work is never done so I have set myself up to make work be play.  This is the reason the site is called, “Were Video Meets Boats”; I am lucky to mix two of my passions as my business.     Sure not every day is roses but most of them make me smile and I love what I do.   Who you work with makes all the difference, so…

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